Vertaling van contrary


contrary, opposite {bn.}
reverse, reversed, inverse, contrary, backward, backwards {bn.}
alien, contrary, adverse, opposite, adversary {bn.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Contrary to expectations, they won with ease.

Contra todo pronóstico, ganaron con facilidad.

I have no proof to the contrary.

No tengo ninguna prueba de lo contrario.

You are young. I, on the contrary, am very old.

Tú eres joven. Yo, por el contrario, soy muy vieja.

And yet, the contrary is always true as well.

Y sin embargo, también lo contrario es siempre verdadero.

My point of view is contrary to yours.

Mi punto de vista es contrario al suyo.

They say he is guilty, but I believe the contrary.

Ellos dicen que él es culpable, pero yo creo lo contrario.

"Have you finished it?" "On the contrary, I'm just starting."

"¿Ya lo terminaste?" "Por el contrario, sólo estoy empezando."

On the contrary, I've never said such a thing.

Al contrario, nunca he dicho tal cosa.

My wife's taste in dress is contrary to my own.

El gusto de mi esposa para vestirse es contrario al mío.

If you do that, it will only bring about a contrary effect.

Si haces eso, solo provocará el efecto contrario.

"Are you done?" "On the contrary, we've just been getting started."

"¿Has terminado?" "Al contrario, acabo de empezar."

That picture doesn't seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it's rather beautiful.

No me parece feo ese cuadro, al contrario, pienso que es hermoso.

He's not lazy. On the contrary, I think he's a hard worker.

Él no es vago. Al contrario, creo que él es muy esforzado.

She said that what they were doing was contrary to the company's sexual harassment policy.

Ella dijo que lo que están haciendo va en contra de la política de la compañía sobre el acoso sexual.

Mary is not poor. On the contrary, she is quite rich.

Mary no es pobre. Al contrario, es bastante rica.

Gerelateerd aan contrary

opposite - reverse - reversed - inverse - backward - backwards - alien - adverse - adversary