Vertaling van cry


to cry, to weep {ww.}

I cry
you cry
we cry

yo lloro
nosotros lloramos
» meer vervoegingen van llorar

I want to cry.
Quiero llorar.
If you want to cry, cry.
Si querés llorar, llorá.
cry, shout, call {zn.}
grito [m] (el ~)
He heard a shout.
Él oyó un grito.
He gave a deafening cry.
Él dio un grito ensordecedor.
to cry out, to scream, to shout, to call, to cry, to call out {ww.}

I cry
you cry
we cry

yo grito
nosotros gritamos
» meer vervoegingen van gritar

He began to shout.
Él empezó a gritar.
We heard somebody shout.
Escuchamos a alguien gritar.
to howl, to cry, to yell, to bawl {ww.}

I cry
you cry
we cry

yo aúllo
nosotros aullamos
» meer vervoegingen van aullar

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Don't cry.

No llores.

If you want to cry, cry.

Si querés llorar, llorá.

She heard him cry.

Le oyó llorar.

I began to cry.

Empecé a llorar.

I made her cry.

La hice llorar.

Tom did not cry.

Tom no lloró.

You began to cry.

Empezaste a llorar.

We heard her cry.

La oímos llorar.

I made him cry.

Lo hice llorar.

Why did you cry?

¿Por qué lloraste?

Tom began to cry.

Tom empezó a llorar.

Do you cry often?

¿Lloras a menudo?

Tom made Mary cry.

Tom hizo llorar a Mary.

I started to cry.

Rompí a llorar.

Try not to cry.

Intenta no llorar.

Gerelateerd aan cry

weep - shout - call - cry out - scream - call out - howl - yell - bawl