Vertaling van cutting


slice, cut, cutting {zn.}
trozo [m] (el ~)
tajada [v] (la ~)
filete [m] (el ~)
Tom ate one slice of Swiss cheese.
Tom se comió un trozo de queso suizo.
On second thought, I think I will have a slice of that pie.
Ahora que lo pienso, creo que me tomaré un trozo de esa tarta.
to chop, to cut, to hack, to hew {ww.}

I was cutting
you were cutting
he/she/it was cutting

yo cortaba
él/ella cortaba
» meer vervoegingen van cortar

We must cut down our expenses.
Tenemos que cortar nuestros gastos.
Cut, wash and dry, please.
Lavar, cortar y secar, por favor.
to cut {ww.}

I was cutting
you were cutting
he/she/it was cutting

yo labraba
él/ella labraba
» meer vervoegingen van labrar

to cut off, to cut, to curtail, to retrench, to slash, to truncate {ww.}

I was cutting
you were cutting
he/she/it was cutting

yo cercenaba
él/ella cercenaba
» meer vervoegingen van cercenar

to cut, to mow {ww.}

I was cutting
you were cutting
he/she/it was cutting

yo segaba
él/ella segaba
» meer vervoegingen van segar

to dissect, to cut {ww.}

I was cutting
you were cutting
he/she/it was cutting

yo cortaba
él/ella cortaba
» meer vervoegingen van cortar

This knife won't cut well.
Este cuchillo no va a cortar bien.
This knife is used to cut meat.
Este cuchillo se usa para cortar carne.
to clip, to cut, to shear {ww.}

I was cutting
you were cutting
he/she/it was cutting

yo cortaba
él/ella cortaba
» meer vervoegingen van cortar

Their job is to shear the sheep.
El trabajo de ellos es esquilar a las ovejas.
It's easy to cut cheese with a knife.
Es fácil cortar queso con un cuchillo.
to cut, to slice {ww.}

I was cutting
you were cutting
he/she/it was cutting

yo cortaba
él/ella cortaba
» meer vervoegingen van cortar

Try to slice the meat with a different knife.
Trata de cortar la carne con otro un cuchillo diferente.
I need a pair of scissors to cut this paper.
Necesito unas tijeras para cortar este papel.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Your hair wants cutting.

Necesitas un corte de pelo.

I am cutting the meat.

Estoy cortando la carne.

Tom is cutting the bread.

Tom está cortando el pan.

We are cutting the wood.

Estamos cortando la madera.

Don't worry, cutting your hair doesn't hurt.

No te preocupes, no duele que te corten el pelo.

After cutting the wood, use sandpaper to make it smooth.

Después de cortar la madera, utilice papel de lija para alisarla.

That was a 'cutting the Gordian knot' type of solution.

Esa fue una solución del tipo "cortar el nudo gordiano"

I'm very much in favor of cutting taxes.

Estoy muy a favor de bajar los impuestos.

Cutting a cake into equal pieces is rather difficult.

Partir una tarta en partes iguales es bastante complicado.

Scissors are meant for cutting but can also be used to stab.

Las tijeras son para cortar pero pueden usarse también para apuñalar.

Rather than cutting down on cigarettes, sir, why don't you just give them up?

En lugar de reducir la cantidad de cigarros que fuma, señor, ¿por qué no lo deja?

She followed me into the kitchen and picked up a knife. She then started cutting vegetables.

Ella me siguió a la cocina y cogió un cuchillo. Luego comenzó a picar verduras.

One hot summer afternoon, John and Dan were cutting the long grass.

Una tarde calurosa de verano John y Dan estaban cortando la hierba larga.

The Germans have an inhuman way of cutting up their verbs. Now a verb has a hard time enough of it in this world when it's all together. It's downright inhuman to split it up. But that's just what those Germans do. They take part of a verb and put it down here, like a stake, and they take the other part of it and put it away over yonder like another stake, and between these two limits they just shovel in German.

Los alemanes tienen una forma inhumana de cortar sus verbos. Un verbo ya lo pasa bastante mal cuando está entero. Es completamente inhumano partirlo. Pero eso es exactamente lo que hacen los alemanes. Cogen una parte del verbo y la ponen aquí, como una estaca, y cogen la otra parte y la ponen allá a lo lejos, como otra estaca, y simplemente cavan en alemán entre estos dos límites.

Gerelateerd aan cutting

slice - cut - chop - hack - hew - cut off - curtail - retrench - slash - truncate - mow - dissect - clip - shear