Vertaling van decline


to decline, to fall off, to go back {ww.}
decline, going down, fall, regression, retreat, setback {zn.}
retroceso [m] (el ~)
to fall, to fall off, to tumble down, to decline, to drop {ww.}
I heard something fall to the ground.
Oí algo caerse al suelo.
Don't step on that rock. It's going to fall.
No pises esa roca. Va a caerse.
to deviate, to decline, to diverge {ww.}
to decrease, to diminish, to decline, to dwindle, to ebb, to wane {ww.}

I decline
you decline
we decline

yo disminuyo
nosotros disminuimos
» meer vervoegingen van disminuir

to refuse, to reject, to decline, to withhold, to spurn, to disallow {ww.}

I decline
you decline
we decline

yo rehúso
nosotros rehusamos
» meer vervoegingen van rehusar

I couldn't refuse.
No me pude rehusar.
Unfortunately I must decline your invitation.
Desafortunadamente, debo rehusar tu invitación.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Biodiversity continues to decline each year.

La biodiversidad continúa disminuyendo cada año.

Unfortunately I must decline your invitation.

Desafortunadamente, debo rehusar tu invitación.

She tried to persuade him not to decline the offer.

Trató de convencerlo para que no rechazara la oferta.

He gathered the courage to decline the offer.

Él juntó el coraje para rechazar su oferta.

It is foreseen that, due to the decline in grain production, China will quickly become a world leading grain importing country, overtaking Japan.

Se preve que, debido a la reducción en la producción de granos, China se convertirá rápidamente en uno de los principales países importadores de granos, sobrepasando a Japón.

Gerelateerd aan decline

fall off - go back - going down - fall - regression - retreat - setback - tumble down - drop - deviate - diverge - decrease - diminish - dwindle - ebb