Vertaling van deliver


to deliver, to furnish, to supply, to provide, to purvey, to yield {ww.}

I deliver
you deliver
we deliver

yo entrego
nosotros entregamos
» meer vervoegingen van entregar

We can deliver within a week.
Lo podemos entregar dentro de una semana.
to provide, to deliver, to supply, to procure, to get {ww.}

I deliver
you deliver
we deliver

yo procuro
nosotros procuramos
» meer vervoegingen van procurar

to convey, to hand, to hand over, to pass, to assign, to deliver, to transmit, to transfer {ww.}

I deliver
you deliver
we deliver

yo transfiero
nosotros transferimos
» meer vervoegingen van transferir

I can't figure out how to transfer MP3 files to my iPod.
No puedo averiguar cómo transferir archivos MP3 a mi iPod.
I can't figure out how to transfer MP3 files from my iPod back to my computer.
No consigo figurar cómo transferir los archivos MP3 de mi iPod de regreso a mi computadora.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Can you deliver that?

¿Puedes despacharlo?

Can you deliver this?

Le importaría repartir esto?

Can you deliver it to my house?

¿Puede despacharlo a mi casa?

We can deliver within a week.

Lo podemos entregar dentro de una semana.

We can deliver it this evening.

Podemos entregarlo esta tarde.

I'll deliver it as soon as I can.

Lo repartiré tan pronto como pueda.

I was wondering if there is any way you could deliver that today.

Estaba pensando-¿si es posible de que entregues eso hoy?

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

No nos dejes caer en la tentación, y líbranos del mal.

The TV host said production would put in contact with me to deliver the award.

El conductor de TV dijo que la producción entraría en contacto conmigo para enviar el premio.

Gerelateerd aan deliver

furnish - supply - provide - purvey - yield - procure - get - convey - hand - hand over - pass - assign - transmit - transfer