Vertaling van distracted


absent-minded, abstracted, distracted, absent, loose {bn.}
to distract, to divert, to entertain, to abstract, to amuse {ww.}

I distracted
you distracted
he/she/it distracted

yo distraje
él/ella distrajo
» meer vervoegingen van distraer

Nothing can distract her from her research.
Nada la puede distraer de su investigación.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


You are easily distracted.

Te distraes con facilidad.

Don't get distracted!

¡No te distraigas!

He is distracted.

Él está distraído.

You seem distracted today.

Hoy pareces estar distraído.

That child's easily distracted.

Ese chico se distrae fácilmente.

That sound distracted my attention from reading.

Ese sonido distrajo mi atención de la lectura.

I was obviously a little distracted!

¡Obviamente estaba un poco distraída!

Write the essay and don't get distracted.

Escribe el ensayo y no te distraigas.

His talk distracted her from grief.

Su conversación la distrajo de su pesar.

The noise distracted him from studying.

El ruido lo distrajo de estudiar.

Camille is frustrated with Alan's distracted attitude.

Camille está frustrada con la actitud distraída de Alan.

I got distracted and I lost track of time.

Me distraje y perdí la noción del tiempo.

I don't even know what I should be distracted about.

Ni siquiera sé de qué debería distraerme.

I got distracted and lost all sense of time.

Me distraje y perdí la noción del tiempo.

The girl got distracted and lost sight of her parents.

La niña se distrajo y perdió de vista a sus padres.

Gerelateerd aan distracted

absent-minded - abstracted - absent - loose - distract - divert - entertain - abstract - amuse