Vertaling van each


each, every, all the, everybody, everyone, all {onb. vnw.}
cada uno
at the rate of, a, per, an, at, each, for, all, apiece {vz.}
a razón de
a tanto por

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Write down each word.

Anota cada palabra.

They admire each other.

Se admiran mutuamente.

They trust each other.

Ellos confían el uno en el otro.

We kissed each other.

Nos besamos.

Money opens each door.

El dinero abre todas las puertas.

They hated each other.

Ellos se odiaban.

To each his own.

A cada cual lo que se merece.

We consoled each other.

Nos consolamos el uno al otro.

We love each other.

Nos queremos.

They found each other.

Ellos se encontraron el uno al otro.

They love each other.

Ellos se aman.

They each paid separately.

Cada uno pagó por separado.

They see each other.

Ellos se ven.

They helped each other.

Se ayudaban mutuamente.

We understand each other.

Nos entendemos el uno al otro.

Gerelateerd aan each

every - all the - everybody - everyone - all - at the rate of - a - per - an - at - for - apiece