Vertaling van endure


to endure, to put up with, to tolerate, to abide, to brook, to condone, to stand, to stomach {ww.}

I endure
you endure
we endure

yo tolero
nosotros toleramos
» meer vervoegingen van tolerar

We can't tolerate such an outrage.
No podemos tolerar tal atropello.
I can't put up with an insult like this.
Yo no puedo tolerar un insulto así.
to continue, to endure, to keep on, to last, to persist, to wear {ww.}

I endure
you endure
we endure

yo duro
nosotros duramos
» meer vervoegingen van durar

It cannot last long.
No puede durar mucho.
Our friendship will last a long time.
Nuestra amistad va a durar mucho tiempo.
to abide, to endure, to bear, to cope, to stand, to withstand {ww.}
aguantar hasta el fin
to abide, to bear, to carry out, to endure, to put up with, to suffer, to stand, to carry away, to afford {ww.}
aguantar hasta el fin
to abide, to bear, to endure, to put up with, to suffer, to sustain, to ail {ww.}

I endure
you endure
we endure

yo sufro
nosotros sufrimos
» meer vervoegingen van sufrir

You'll suffer because of that.
Va a sufrir por esto.
You will suffer because of that.
Va a sufrir por esto.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I can't endure the noise.

No aguanto el ruido.

I could hardly endure the pain.

Apenas podía soportar el dolor.

How much more suffering can they endure?

¿Cuánto más sufrimiento pueden soportar?

Can she endure a long trip?

¿Ella puede soportar un viaje largo?

This bridge will not endure long.

Este puente no soportará mucho más.

I don't know how many are going to endure this situation.

No sé cuántos van a soportar esta situación.

What a shame to just endure life rather than enjoying it.

¡Qué lástima sólo aguantar la vida en vez de disfrutarla!

Gerelateerd aan endure

put up with - tolerate - abide - brook - condone - stand - stomach - continue - keep on - last - persist - wear - bear - cope - withstand