Vertaling van entirely


completely, entirely, through, from A to Z {bw.}
at all, entirely, quite, wholly, absolutely, altogether, utterly, all {bw.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


You're not entirely wrong.

No estás del todo equivocado.

You are entirely correct.

Tienes toda la razón.

He has entirely deceived us.

Él nos ha engañado por completo.

Your idea differs entirely from mine.

Tu idea es completamente diferente de la mía.

We were entirely deceived by the advertisement.

La publicidad nos engañó por completo.

This organization relies entirely on voluntary donations.

Esta organización depende completamente de donaciones voluntarias.

He is entirely in the wrong.

Él está completamente equivocado.

In any case, I've already entirely forgiven you.

De todos modos, estás totalmente perdonado.

The outcome depends entirely on your own efforts.

El éxito sólo depende de tu propio esfuerzo.

Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance.

La felicidad en el matrimonio es completamente una cuestión de suerte.

In Thailand, bringing up the children isn't the father's responsibility; it's entirely up to the mother.

En Tailandia, criar a los niños no es la responsabilidad del padre; es en su totalidad de la madre.

That which for mathematicians is illogical is entirely normal for musicians: seven plus seven is thirteen.

Lo que no tiene lógica para un matemático es algo muy normal para un músico: siete más siete son trece.

Europe is now reported to be entirely free of new cases of this disease.

Se ha concluido que Europa está ya completamente libre de nuevos casos de esta enfermedad.

The scientific theory I like the best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost luggage.

La teoría científica que más me gusta es la de que los anillos de Saturno se componen por completo de equipajes perdidos.

Muiriel has promised me that if I read the book "The Picture of Dorian Gray" entirely in English, she will help me with my math homework.

Muiriel me ha prometido que si leo el libro "El retrato de Dorian Gray" entero en inglés me ayudará con mis deberes de matemáticas.

Gerelateerd aan entirely

completely - through - from A to Z - at all - quite - wholly - absolutely - altogether - utterly - all