Vertaling van flow


to flow, to run, to stream, to float {ww.}

I flow
you flow
we flow

yo fluyo
nosotros fluimos
» meer vervoegingen van fluir

high tide, flood, flood-tide, influx, inflow, flow, concourse {zn.}
pleamar [v] (la ~)
current, flow, stream {zn.}
corriente [v] (la ~)
He was dragged along by the current.
Le arrastró la corriente.
A river is a stream of water.
Un río es una corriente de agua.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Tears flow down.

Las lágrimas brotan.

Do something about the flow of blood from the wound.

Haz algo respecto al flujo de sangre desde la herida.

It is difficult to actually stand up against the flow.

Es difícil luchar realmente contra corriente.

If you want to get something in life, you should go against the flow.

Si quieres obtener algo en la vida, debes nadar contra la corriente.

The liquid flow submits the container to what we call tangential stress.

El flujo de líquido somete al recipiente a lo que llamamos tensión tangencial.

Gerelateerd aan flow

run - stream - float - high tide - flood - flood-tide - influx - inflow - concourse - current