Vertaling van give way


to give, to accord, to administer, to grant, to impart, to provide, to confer, to allow, to yield, to spare, to afford {ww.}

I give
you give
we give

yo doy
nosotros damos
» meer vervoegingen van dar

Can you give me some money?
¿Me puede dar dinero?
I've nothing to give.
No tengo nada para dar.
to cede, to yield, to give way, to grant, to accommodate, to assign {ww.}
I'd rather die than yield to this sort of demand.
Preferiría morirme antes que ceder a una petición de este tipo.
to donate, to give, to grant, to present {ww.}

I give
you give
we give

yo regalo
nosotros regalamos
» meer vervoegingen van regalar

I want to give Mom a plant.
Quiero regalar una planta a mamá.
I want to give Tom something special.
Le quiero regalar algo especial a Tom.

Gerelateerd aan give way

give - accord - administer - grant - impart - provide - confer - allow - yield - spare - afford - cede - accommodate - assign - donate