Vertaling van hesitate


to hesitate, to waver, to falter, to rock, to stagger, to totter, to vacillate, to wobble {ww.}

I hesitate
you hesitate
we hesitate

yo vacilo
nosotros vacilamos
» meer vervoegingen van vacilar

to hesitate, to falter, to vacillate, to waver, to balk {ww.}

I hesitate
you hesitate
we hesitate

yo vacilo
nosotros vacilamos
» meer vervoegingen van vacilar

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Don't hesitate. Speak out.

No titubees. Dilo fuerte y claro.

So don't hesitate.

Entonces no vaciles.

Tom didn't hesitate at all.

Tom no dudó en absoluto.

Never hesitate to tell the truth.

Nunca titubees en decir la verdad.

Once you hesitate, you are lost.

Una vez que des un paso atrás, estás perdido.

Don't hesitate to ask for advice.

No vaciles en pedir consejo.

Reporters do not hesitate to intrude into people's privacy.

Los reporteros no titubean a la hora de entrometerse en la privacidad de otras personas.

He didn't hesitate to tell his wife the truth.

Él no dudó en decir a su mujer la verdad.

Don't hesitate to tell me if you need anything.

No vaciles en decirme si necesitas cualquier cosa.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to jump in.

Si tienes preguntas, no dudes en levantar la voz.

Don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand.

No dudes en hacer preguntas si no entiendes algo.

I hesitate to broach the subject with her.

No me atrevo a abordar el tema con ella.

Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions.

Por favor no vacilen en hacerme cualquier pregunta.

If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to let me know.

Si hay algo que pueda hacer por usted, no vacile en avisarme.

The bold knight didn't hesitate at the time to go onto the offensive.

El audaz caballero no titubeó a la hora de dar la ofensiva.

Gerelateerd aan hesitate

waver - falter - rock - stagger - totter - vacillate - wobble - balk