Vertaling van hurt


to hurt {ww.}

I hurt
you hurt
we hurt

yo hiero
nosotros herimos
» meer vervoegingen van herir

I don't want to hurt his feelings.
No quiero herir sus sentimientos.
I don't want to hurt your feelings.
No quiero dañar sus sentimientos.
to hurt, to afflict, to distress, to grieve, to pain {ww.}

I hurt
you hurt
we hurt

yo hiero
nosotros herimos
» meer vervoegingen van herir

I never wanted to hurt Tom.
Nunca quise lastimar a Tom.
I don't want to hurt anybody.
No quiero lastimar a nadie.
to hurt, to wound, to injure, to maul {ww.}

I hurt
you hurt
we hurt

yo hiero
nosotros herimos
» meer vervoegingen van herir

to damage, to injure, to spoil, to harm, to hurt, to impair, to mutilate, to vitiate {ww.}
echar a perder

I hurt
you hurt
we hurt

yo estropeo
nosotros estropeamos
» meer vervoegingen van estropear

to ache, to be painful, to hurt {ww.}

they hurt
he/she/it hurt
they hurt

ellos/ellas duelen
él/ella dolió
ellos/ellas dolieron
» meer vervoegingen van doler

Will it hurt a lot?
¿Va a doler mucho?
It won't hurt, I promise.
Te prometo que no te va a doler.
to harm, to hurt, to injure, to prejudice {ww.}

I hurt
you hurt
we hurt

yo perjudico
nosotros perjudicamos
» meer vervoegingen van perjudicar

to insult, to offend, to hurt, to wrong, to aggrieve, to affront, to miscall {ww.}

I hurt
you hurt
we hurt

yo ofendo
nosotros ofendemos
» meer vervoegingen van ofender

Tom didn't mean to offend anyone.
Tom no quiso ofender a nadie.
Tom didn't mean to offend Mary.
Tom no quería ofender a Mary.
damage, defect, flaw, harm, hurt, impairment, imperfection {zn.}
defecto [m] (el ~)
desperfecto [m] (el ~)
He has a defect in his character.
Ella tiene un defecto en su carácter.
To be perfect she lacked just one defect.
Para ser perfecta sólo le faltaba un defecto.
harm, damage, detriment, disadvantage, hurt, injury, loss, shenanigan {zn.}
daño [m] (el ~)
detrimento [m] (el ~)
Did I hurt your feelings? I meant no harm.
¿Herí tus sentimientos? No quise hacerte daño.
I mean no harm.
No quiero hacer daño.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Hurt people hurt people.

Las personas heridas hieren personas.

Tom is hurt.

Tom está herido.

Don't hurt me.

No me lastimes.

Mary hurt herself yesterday.

Mary se hirió ayer.

My lungs hurt.

Me duelen los pulmones.

Is Tom hurt?

¿Tom está herido?

Are you hurt?

¿Estás herida?

Don't hurt him.

No lo lastimes.

My eyes hurt.

Me duelen los ojos.

Does it hurt?


Tom hurt himself.

Tom se hizo daño.

Was anybody else hurt?

¿Alguien más resultó herido?

The kid got hurt.

El niño resultó herido.

You will hurt yourself.

Te harás daño.

I got hurt today.

Hoy me lastimé.

Gerelateerd aan hurt

afflict - distress - grieve - pain - wound - injure - maul - damage - spoil - harm - impair - mutilate - vitiate - ache - be painful