Vertaling van inhuman


inhuman, thuggish, vicious {bn.}
horrible, atrocious, ferocious, inhuman, savage {bn.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Nadie será sometido a torturas ni a penas o tratos crueles, inhumanos o degradantes.

The Germans have an inhuman way of cutting up their verbs. Now a verb has a hard time enough of it in this world when it's all together. It's downright inhuman to split it up. But that's just what those Germans do. They take part of a verb and put it down here, like a stake, and they take the other part of it and put it away over yonder like another stake, and between these two limits they just shovel in German.

Los alemanes tienen una forma inhumana de cortar sus verbos. Un verbo ya lo pasa bastante mal cuando está entero. Es completamente inhumano partirlo. Pero eso es exactamente lo que hacen los alemanes. Cogen una parte del verbo y la ponen aquí, como una estaca, y cogen la otra parte y la ponen allá a lo lejos, como otra estaca, y simplemente cavan en alemán entre estos dos límites.

Gerelateerd aan inhuman

thuggish - vicious - horrible - atrocious - ferocious - savage