Vertaling van insult


to insult, to offend, to hurt, to wrong, to aggrieve, to affront, to miscall {ww.}

I insult
you insult
we insult

yo ofendo
nosotros ofendemos
» meer vervoegingen van ofender

Tom didn't mean to offend anyone.
Tom no quiso ofender a nadie.
Tom didn't mean to offend Mary.
Tom no quería ofender a Mary.
to abuse, to insult, to offend, to curse, to revile, to affront {ww.}

I insult
you insult
we insult

yo insulto
nosotros insultamos
» meer vervoegingen van insultar

I didn't want to insult Tom.
No quise insultar a Tom.
I don't want to insult Tom.
No quiero insultar a Tom.
abuse, insult, affront, curse {zn.}
insulto [m] (el ~)
afrenta [v] (la ~)
ofensa [v] (la ~)
injuria [v] (la ~)
He suffered an insult.
Él sufrió un insulto.
That is a studied insult.
Este es un insulto premeditado.
affront, injury, insult, offence {zn.}
ofensa [v] (la ~)
afrenta [v] (la ~)
injuria [v] (la ~)
Any alteration to this certificate renders it invalid and use of an altered certificate could constitute a criminal offence.
Cualquier alteración a este certificado lo vuelve inválido, y el uso de un certificado alterado podría constituir una ofensa criminal.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


He suffered an insult.

Él sufrió un insulto.

Don't insult my intelligence.

No insultes mi inteligencia.

Don't insult him.

No le insultes.

Don't insult me in company.

No me insultes delante de otros.

That is a studied insult.

Este es un insulto premeditado.

His joke borders on insult.

Su broma bordea el insulto.

Your remark amounts almost to insult.

Tu observación se asemeja casi a un insulto.

It is an insult to her.

Es un insulto hacia ella.

I cannot bear such an insult.

Yo no puedo tolerar un insulto tal.

Every insult was put on him.

Todo insulto fue dirigido a él.

I didn't want to insult Tom.

No quise insultar a Tom.

The phrase is meant to insult people.

Esa frase está para insultar a las personas.

I don't want to insult Tom.

No quiero insultar a Tom.

She seems to have taken my remark as an insult.

Parece que se ha tomado mi comentario como un insulto.

Walter was taken aback by John's cruel insult.

Walter se quedó perplejo a causa del insulto cruel de John.

Gerelateerd aan insult

offend - hurt - wrong - aggrieve - affront - miscall - abuse - curse - revile - injury - offence