Vertaling van lead


lead {zn.}
to direct, to guide, to manage, to steer, to conduct, to drive, to head, to lead, to refer {ww.}

I lead
you lead
we lead

yo dirijo
nosotros dirigimos
» meer vervoegingen van dirigir

to conduct, to guide, to lead, to channel, to wage, to bring, to drive {ww.}

I lead
you lead
we lead

yo conduzco
nosotros conducimos
» meer vervoegingen van conducir

I want to drive.
Quiero conducir.
Do you know how to drive?
¿Sabéis conducir?
to conduct, to direct, to guide, to head, to lead, to drive, to show the way {ww.}

I lead
you lead
we lead

yo guío
nosotros guiamos
» meer vervoegingen van guiar

He has always liked to drive at a dangerous speed.
A él siempre le ha gustado guiar a velocidades peligrosas.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Who plays the lead?

¿Quién interpreta el rol principal?

Lead is a metal.

El plomo es un metal.

Where does this road lead?

¿A dónde lleva este camino?

All roads lead to Rome.

Todos los caminos llevan a Roma.

All roads lead to Elsinore.

Todos los caminos llevan a Elsinor.

Tom is in the lead.

Tom lleva la delantera.

Many ways lead to Rome.

Muchos caminos conducen a Roma.

Where does that road lead?

¿A dónde va ese camino?

I lead a happy life.

Llevo una vida feliz.

Thank you for the lead.

Gracias por la iniciativa.

Lead us, since you know the road.

Diríjanos usted que sabe el camino.

Which is heavier, lead or gold?

¿Cuál es más pesado, el plomo o el oro?

My legs are as heavy as lead.

Mis piernas pesan como si fuesen de plomo.

We lead a very ordinary life.

Llevamos una vida muy normal.

I will lead you to further victories.

Les conduciré hasta otras victorias.

Gerelateerd aan lead

direct - guide - manage - steer - conduct - drive - head - refer - channel - wage - bring - show the way