Vertaling van liking


taste, flavour, liking, savour {zn.}
gusto [m] (el ~)
Add salt to taste.
Agrega sal al gusto.
I can't distinguish the taste.
No puedo distinguir el gusto.
sympathy, congeniality, liking, fellow-feeling {zn.}
simpatía [v] (la ~)
I felt sympathy for him.
Sentí simpatía por él.
Tom has my sympathy.
Tom cuenta con mi simpatía.
to appreciate, to like, to enjoy, to fancy, to love, to think highly of, to prize, to think well of, to have a high regard for {ww.}

I was liking
you were liking
he/she/it was liking

yo apreciaba
él/ella apreciaba
» meer vervoegingen van apreciar

He learned to appreciate literature.
Él aprendió a apreciar la literatura.
To appreciate her beauty, you have only to look at her.
Para apreciar su belleza, sólo tienes que mirarla.

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That isn't to my liking.

Eso no me gusta.

She has liking for ice cream.

Ella tiene un gusto por el helado.

This is not to his liking.

Esto no es de su agrado.

I have no liking for such birds.

No me gusta ese tipo de pájaros.

That man is too boastful for my liking.

Ese hombre es muy jactancioso para mi gusto.

She has a great liking for rich foods.

Ella tiene una gran predilección por los alimentos ricos.

He suddenly took a liking to detective stories.

De pronto, comenzaron a gustarle las historias de detectives.

Since I started wearing glasses myself, I started liking the anime where the protagonists wear glasses.

Desde que yo mismo comencé a usar gafas, me empezó a agradar el anime en donde los protagonistas usan gafas.