Vertaling van nearby


adjacent, nearby, neighbouring {bn.}
close, near, nearby, next, adjacent, handy, local {bn.}
close, near, nearby, about, closely {bw.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


She lives nearby.

Vive aquí cerca.

They live nearby.

Ellos viven cerca.

A fire broke out nearby.

Hubo un incendio cerca.

Is there a pharmacy nearby?

¿Hay una farmacia cerca?

The train station is nearby.

La estación de trenes queda cerca.

They carried him to a nearby house.

Ellos lo llevaron a una casa cercana.

Is there a bus stop nearby?

¿Hay alguna parada de autobús cerca de aquí?

He pulled the wounded soldier to the nearby bush.

Él arrastró al soldado herido hasta un arbusto cercano.

Although she lives nearby, I rarely see her.

Aunque vive cerca, no la veo mucho.

Although her house is nearby, I seldom see her.

Aunque su casa queda cerca, yo rara vez la veo.

We could hear the bells ringing from a nearby church.

Pudimos oír repicar las campanas de una iglesia cercana.

I make it a rule to take a walk around the nearby pond in the evening.

Yo tengo como regla dar un paseo a la laguna de aquí cerca en la noche.

It was fortunate that he was taken to a nearby hospital right away after the accident.

Fue afortunado que inmediatamente después del accidente lo transportaran a un hospital cercano.

We could hear the donnnng ... donnnng of the church bells nearby.

Podíamos oír el repicar de las campanas de la iglesia cercana.

This house is nearby, it has two bedrooms and a living room, and the decoration isn't bad; it's 1500 a month.

Esta casa está cerca, tiene dos dormitorios y una sala de estar, y la decoración no está mal; son 1.500 al mes.

Gerelateerd aan nearby

adjacent - neighbouring - close - near - next - handy - local - about - closely