Vertaling van neglect


to neglect, to fail {ww.}

I neglect
you neglect
we neglect

yo descuido
nosotros descuidamos
» meer vervoegingen van descuidar

You can't afford to neglect your health.
No puedes darte el lujo de descuidar tu salud.
neglect, slighting {zn.}
abandono [m] (el ~)
We had to call in social services. This was obviously a case of child neglect.
Tuvimos que llamar a los servicios sociales. Este obviamente era un caso de abandono de menores.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


You can't afford to neglect your health.

No puedes darte el lujo de descuidar tu salud.

Those lazy men neglect their duties over and over again.

Aquellos hombres holgazanes, una y otra vez desatienden sus deberes.

We had to call in social services. This was obviously a case of child neglect.

Tuvimos que llamar a los servicios sociales. Este obviamente era un caso de abandono de menores.

She and her uncle were sad and forlorn in their neglect and disgrace.

Ella y su tío estaban tristes y desolados en su olvido y desgracia.

Those people did not neglect their child because they used the Internet too much.

Aquellas personas no desatendían a su hijo debido a que pasaran demasiado tiempo con Internet.

They used the Internet too much because they had some underlying problem that also caused them to neglect their child.

Ellos pasaban demasiado tiempo en Internet debido a que tenían un problema subyacente que además causaba que desatendieran a su hijo.

Gerelateerd aan neglect

fail - slighting