Vertaling van no doubt


no doubt, undoubtedly, decidedly, unmistakably, unquestionably {bw.}
sin duda
to doubt, to question {ww.}

I doubt
you doubt
we doubt

yo dudo
nosotros dudamos
» meer vervoegingen van dudar

You can't doubt everything and anything.
No es posible dudar de todo.
It never occurred to me to doubt him.
Nunca se me ocurrió dudar de él.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


No doubt.

Sin duda.

There's no doubt.

No hay duda.

There is no doubt.

No cabe duda.

No doubt he will come.

Sin duda vendrá.

There is no doubt about his honesty.

No hay duda de su honradez.

There's no doubt that he's innocent.

No cabe duda de que es inocente.

I have no doubt about it.

Soy claro al respecto.

There's no doubt that he's English.

No cabe duda de que es inglés.

There is no doubt about his ability.

No hay ninguna duda sobre su habilidad.

No doubt she will come soon.

No hay duda de que ella vendrá pronto.

There's no doubt that Tom poisoned Mary.

No hay duda de que Tom envenenó a Mary.

There's no doubt that the universe is infinite.

No cabe duda de que el universo es infinito.

There is no doubt that his sons are good boys.

No hay duda de que sus hijos son buenos chicos.

There is no doubt as to who will be elected.

No cabe duda de quién será electo.

There is no doubt that he was murdered.

No hay lugar a dudas de que él fue asesinado.

Gerelateerd aan no doubt

undoubtedly - decidedly - unmistakably - unquestionably - doubt - question