Vertaling van notify


to inform, to report, to acquaint, to enlighten, to notify, to advise, to apprise {ww.}

I notify
you notify
we notify

yo informo
nosotros informamos
» meer vervoegingen van informar

Who should I inform?
¿A quién debería informar?
You should notify the police at once.
Deberías informar a la policía inmediatamente.
to instruct, to notify, to summon {ww.}

I notify
you notify
we notify

yo notifico
nosotros notificamos
» meer vervoegingen van notificar

to inform, to let know, to acquaint, to announce, to apprise, to convey, to notify, to tell, to advise {ww.}
hacer saber

I notify
you notify
we notify

yo informo
nosotros informamos
» meer vervoegingen van informar

We must inform the management of what's going on.
Debemos enterar a la dirección de lo que pasa.
He had to tell his readers what happened.
Necesitaba informar a sus lectores de lo sucedido.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


In such a case, notify his family.

En tal caso avise a su familia.

We have to notify the police.

Hay que avisar a la policía.

You should notify the police at once.

Deberías informar a la policía inmediatamente.

Please notify me by e-mail about any bugs found or missing functions that you want to be included in future versions of the BMI calculator.

Por favor hágame saber por e-mail acerca de cualquier bug encontrado o de cualquier función no disponible que usted quiera que sea incluida en las futuras versiones de la calculadora del IMC.

Gerelateerd aan notify

inform - report - acquaint - enlighten - advise - apprise - instruct - summon - let know - announce - convey - tell