Vertaling van nuts


bah, nuts, pooh, pshaw, yuk, rubbish {bn.}
absurd, nonsensical, around the bend, balmy, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, buggy, cracked, crackers, daft, dotty, fruity, haywire, kookie, kooky, loco, loony, loopy, nuts, nutty, round the bend, wacky, whacky {bn.}
crazy, insane, mad, nuts, barmy, lunatic, wild, wacky {bn.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


You're nuts!

¡Estás chiflado!

They are gathering nuts.

Ellos están recogiendo nueces.

This drives me nuts.

Esto me vuelve loco.

You drive me nuts!

¡Me sacas de quicio!

Tom is completely nuts.

Tom está completamente loco.

May contain nuts.

Puede contener restos de frutos secos.

Have you gone nuts?

¿Se te ha ido la olla?

Round boxes? Are you nuts?

¿Cajas redondas? ¿Estás loco?

The crowd is going nuts.

La multitud se está volviendo loca.

That guy is totally nuts!

¡Ese sujeto está completamente loco!

That guy is completely nuts!

¡Ese sujeto está completamente loco!

Mary kicked Tom in the nuts.

Mary pateó a Tom en la entrepierna.

For snacks, she eats fruit or nuts.

Para merendar, ella come frutas o nueces.

The animals were busy collecting nuts.

Los animales estaban atareados recogiendo nueces.

I love cats so much. They just drive me nuts.

Me gustan tanto los gatos... Es que me vuelven loco.

Gerelateerd aan nuts

bah - pooh - pshaw - yuk - rubbish - absurd - nonsensical - around the bend - balmy - barmy - bats - batty - bonkers - buggy - cracked