Vertaling van offend


to abuse, to insult, to offend, to curse, to revile, to affront {ww.}

I offend
you offend
we offend

yo insulto
nosotros insultamos
» meer vervoegingen van insultar

I didn't want to insult Tom.
No quise insultar a Tom.
I don't want to insult Tom.
No quiero insultar a Tom.
to insult, to offend, to hurt, to wrong, to aggrieve, to affront, to miscall {ww.}

I offend
you offend
we offend

yo ofendo
nosotros ofendemos
» meer vervoegingen van ofender

Tom didn't mean to offend anyone.
Tom no quiso ofender a nadie.
Tom didn't mean to offend Mary.
Tom no quería ofender a Mary.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Does it offend you?

¿Te ofende?

Tom didn't mean to offend anyone.

Tom no quiso ofender a nadie.

Tom didn't mean to offend Mary.

Tom no quería ofender a Mary.

Did I do something to offend you?

¿Acaso hice algo que te ofendiera?

This letter contains sensitive information that may offend some people.

Esta carta contiene información delicada que podría ofender a algunas personas.

She didn't mean to offend anyone with her remark.

Ella no quería ofender a nadie con su comentario.

Our talk about the sexuality of flies could offend some people.

Nuestra charla respecto a la sexualidad de las moscas podría escandalizar a algunas personas.

Anyone can offend an artist's sensibilities, but no one seems to wish to support artists financially.

Alguien puede ofender las sensibilidades de un artista, pero nadie parece querer apoyar financieramente a los artistas.

Gerelateerd aan offend

abuse - insult - curse - revile - affront - hurt - wrong - aggrieve - miscall