Vertaling van onto


on, upon, onto, in, at, aboard, atop {vz.}
encima de

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Hold onto your husband.

Agarra tu esposo.

Climb onto the roof.

Súbete al techo.

Put it onto the table.

Ponedlo sobre la mesa.

They dragged their boat onto the beach.

Ellos arrastraron su bote hasta la playa.

The teams are coming onto the field.

Los equipos salen al campo.

The window gives onto the courtyard.

La ventana da al patio.

Don't throw anything onto the floor.

No tires nada al suelo.

The bold knight didn't hesitate at the time to go onto the offensive.

El audaz caballero no titubeó a la hora de dar la ofensiva.

It sounded like water had got onto the cables somehow, and they were breaking.

Parecía como si el agua hubiese penetrado en los cables de algún modo y estuvieran estropeados.

The only window in our hotel room opens onto a smelly alley.

La única ventana de la habitación de nuestro hotel da a un callejón apestoso.

The mother just held tightly onto her daughter, saying nothing else.

La madre tan solo abrazó firmemente a su hija, sin decir nada más.

She grabbed him by the hand and pulled him onto the boat.

Ella lo agarró de la mano y lo tiró dentro del bote.

With her unusually lively gestures, she pulled our attention onto her.

Con sus gestos extraordinariamente animosos, ella atrajo nuestra atención a ella.

Try as you might, but you cannot force a belief onto someone else, much less your own self.

Sea como fuere, no puedes obligar a alguien a creer, mucho menos a ti mismo.

I held onto the rope for as long as I could, but I finally had to let go.

Me aferré a la soga tanto como pude pero al final tuve que soltar.

Gerelateerd aan onto

on - upon - in - at - aboard - atop