Vertaling van opposed to


across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, versus, with, opposite {vz.}
frente a
to object, to oppose {ww.}

I opposed
you opposed
he/she/it opposed

yo contrarresté
él/ella contrarrestó
» meer vervoegingen van contrarrestar

to confront, to stand up to, to withstand, to oppose {ww.}

I opposed
you opposed
he/she/it opposed

yo contrarresté
él/ella contrarrestó
» meer vervoegingen van contrarrestar

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


He's opposed to racial discrimination.

Él se opone a la discriminación racial.

Lincoln was opposed to slavery.

Lincoln estaba en contra de la esclavitud.

He is opposed to the new plan.

Él se opone al nuevo plan.

The Catholic Church is opposed to divorce.

La Iglesia Católica se opone al divorcio.

I'm opposed to any type of war.

Me opongo a cualquier tipo de guerra.

The student body is opposed to the new rules.

El cuerpo estudiantil está en contra de las nuevas normas.

None of us are opposed to his ideas.

Ninguno de nosotros está en contra de sus ideas.

I'm sorry, but I am opposed to this project.

Lo siento, pero estoy en contra de este proyecto.

Red, as opposed to green, is a sign of danger.

El rojo, de manera opuesta al verde, es una señal de peligro.

Mariko's parents are strongly opposed to her marrying an American.

Los padres de Mariko se oponen rotundamente a que se case con un norteamericano.

Her new novel is really interesting as opposed to her last one.

Su nueva novela es realmente interesante en comparación con la última.

Gerelateerd aan opposed to

across from - against - in exchange for - versus - with - opposite - object - oppose - confront - stand up to - withstand