Vertaling van pay attention


to pay attention, to pay attention to, to heed, to watch out, to mind, to be attentive, to be attentive to {ww.}
atender a
tener cuidado
estar atento
Please pay attention to what I'm saying.
Haz el favor de atender a lo que te digo.
You have to watch out for avalanches at this time of the year.
Tienes que tener cuidado con las avalanchas en esta época del año.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Pay attention!

¡Pon atención!

Please pay attention.

Por favor presten atención.

You don't pay attention.

No prestás atención.

Don't pay attention to him.

No le prestes atención.

We must pay attention to traffic signals.

Debemos prestar atención a la señales de tránsito.

You should pay attention to his story.

Deberías prestar atención a su historia.

Please pay attention to what I'm saying.

Haz el favor de atender a lo que te digo.

I didn't pay attention to him.

No le presté atención.

We must pay attention to environmental problems.

Debemos prestar atención a los problemas medioambientales.

You must pay attention to the teacher.

Tienes que prestarle atención al profesor.

You must pay attention to him.

Tienes que prestarle atención.

Pay attention to what he says.

Pon atención a lo que dice.

Tom doesn't pay attention to details.

Tom no le presta atención a los detalles.

My friend is completely crazy. Don't pay attention to him.

No le hagas caso, mi amigo está tocado del ala.

She was the first one to pay attention to him.

Ella fue la primera en prestarle atención.

Gerelateerd aan pay attention

pay attention to - heed - watch out - mind - be attentive - be attentive to