Vertaling van pull


pull, tug, twitch {zn.}
tracción [v] (la ~)
to drag, to draw, to haul, to pull, to tug, to draught, to drawl, to tow, to twitch {ww.}

I pull
you pull
we pull

yo tiro
nosotros tiramos
» meer vervoegingen van tirar

I cannot pull Taninna's hair. She's much taller than me.
No le puedo tirar el pelo a Taninna. Ella es mucho más alta que yo.
to drag, to tow, to pull, to trail, to drag along {ww.}

I pull
you pull
we pull

yo arrastro
nosotros arrastramos
» meer vervoegingen van arrastrar

to elicit, to extract, to glean, to pull, to withdraw, to worm {ww.}

I pull
you pull
we pull

yo arranco
nosotros arrancamos
» meer vervoegingen van arrancar

to cower, to shrink, to pull {ww.}
to draw back, to withdraw, to pull {ww.}

I pull
you pull
we pull

yo retiro
nosotros retiramos
» meer vervoegingen van retirar

I have to withdraw some cash from the bank.
Tengo que retirar dinero del banco.
She intended to withdraw all her savings from the bank.
Ella pretendía retirar todos sus ahorros del banco.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband




Don't pull my leg!

¡No me tires de la pierna!

Don't pull the trigger.

No tires del gatillo.

Pull the rope tight.

Sostén firme la cuerda.

Pull into shape after washing.

Estirar después del lavado.

That's enough crying. Pull yourself together.

Basta ya de llorar. Tranquilízate.

The patrolman motioned me to pull over.

El patrullero me hizo señas para que me detuviera.

Tom began to pull on his jeans.

Tom empezó a ponerse los vaqueros.

Pull the plant up by the roots.

Arranca las plantas de la raíz.

Don't make me pull the trigger.

No me hagas halar el gatillo.

I cannot pull Taninna's hair. She's much taller than me.

No le puedo tirar el pelo a Taninna. Ella es mucho más alta que yo.

Grass doesn't grow faster if you pull it.

La hierba no crece más rapido si se tira de ella.

Tom couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger.

Tom no tuvo el coraje de apretar el gatillo.

You can't pull the wool over my eyes.

No puedes engañarme.

They decided to pull down the old building.

Decidieron derribar el viejo edificio.

Gerelateerd aan pull

tug - twitch - drag - draw - haul - draught - drawl - tow - trail - drag along - elicit - extract - glean - withdraw - worm