Vertaling van punishment


punishment, penalty, retribution {zn.}
castigo [m] (el ~)
He deserves the punishment.
Se merece el castigo.
Tom deserved the punishment.
Tom se merecía el castigo.
punishment {zn.}
castigo [m] (el ~)
Every crime calls for punishment.
Todo crimen exige un castigo.
A person who steals deserves punishment.
El que roba merece castigo.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Tom deserved the punishment.

Tom se merecía el castigo.

He deserves the punishment.

Se merece el castigo.

I will abolish capital punishment.

Voy a abolir la pena capital.

Every crime calls for punishment.

Todo crimen exige un castigo.

She took the punishment with a smile.

Ella enfrentó el castigo con una sonrisa.

I'll get off with very light punishment.

Saldré de esto con una pena leve.

This time, you won't avoid your punishment.

Esta vez no vas a eludir tu castigo.

A person who steals deserves punishment.

El que roba merece castigo.

This time, you won't escape punishment.

Esta vez no te vas a escapar del castigo.

Someone like you doesn't deserve this punishment.

Alguien como tú no merece este castigo.

For me, regret is the harshest punishment.

Para mí, el arrepentimiento es el más duro castigo.

Their punishment was harsh, but just.

Su castigo fue severo, pero justo.

I don't think that I deserved the punishment I got.

Yo creo que no merecía el castigo que obtuve.

The punishment should be proportionate to the crime.

Debería haber una proporción entre el castigo y el crimen.

Tom certainly didn't deserve the punishment he received.

Ciertamente Tom no merecía la pena que obtuvo.

Gerelateerd aan punishment

penalty - retribution