Vertaling van put up


to accommodate, to entertain, to put up, to host {ww.}
This hotel can accommodate 700 guests.
Este hotel puede alojar 700 invitados.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


He put up a flag.

Él izó la bandera.

Tom put up his umbrella.

Tom abrió su paraguas.

Let's put up the Christmas tree here.

Pongamos el árbol de Navidad acá.

He put up his house for sale.

Él puso su casa en venta.

I can't put up with his rudeness.

No soporto su mala educación.

I can't put up with him.

No lo aguanto.

I cannot put up with her behavior.

No puedo soportar el comportamiento de ella.

I can't put up with these insults.

No aguanto estos insultos.

Can you put up with the noise?

¿Cómo puedes soportar el ruido?

I can't put up with the noise.

No puedo soportar ese ruido.

I can't put up with his insolence.

No aguanto su insolencia.

I can't put up with that noise.

No tolero ese ruido.

Tom couldn't put up with the pain.

Tom no podía soportar el dolor.

I can't put up with him any longer.

No le aguanto más.

I can't put up with his violence any longer.

No puedo soportar más su violencia.

Gerelateerd aan put up

accommodate - entertain - host