Vertaling van question


question, inquiry, issue, point, query, inquiry {zn.}
pregunta [v] (la ~)
A good question.
Buena pregunta.
I've got a question.
Tengo una pregunta.
to challenge, to defy, to question, to affront {ww.}

I question
you question
we question

yo desafío
nosotros desafiamos
» meer vervoegingen van desafiar

to doubt, to question {ww.}

I question
you question
we question

yo dudo
nosotros dudamos
» meer vervoegingen van dudar

You can't doubt everything and anything.
No es posible dudar de todo.
It never occurred to me to doubt him.
Nunca se me ocurrió dudar de él.
to examine, to question, to scrutinize {ww.}

I question
you question
we question

yo examino
nosotros examinamos
» meer vervoegingen van examinar

I think we still have to examine the rest.
Creo que aún debemos examinar el resto.
Dentists take x-rays to examine your teeth.
Los dentistas toman rayos x para examinar tus dientes.
to challenge, to question, to contest, to dispute, to protest {ww.}

I question
you question
we question

yo discuto
nosotros discutimos
» meer vervoegingen van discutir

I refuse to discuss the question.
Me rehúso a discutir la cuestión.
dot, period, point, spot, locus, moment, question, full stop, stop {zn.}
punto [m] (el ~)
The full stop is missing at the end of the sentence.
Falta el punto al final de la oración.
A point is a little point.
Un punto es un punto pequeño.
affair, business, case, matter, issue, question, thing {zn.}
cosa [v] (la ~)
asunto [m] (el ~)
negocio [m] (el ~)
What is that thing?
¿Qué es esa cosa?
Is that thing yours?
¿Esa cosa es tuya?

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I've got a question.

Tengo una pregunta.

I'll rephrase the question.

Reformularé la pregunta.

This is my question.

Esta es mi pregunta.

That's a stupid question!

¡Es una pregunta estúpida!

I answered the question.

Yo respondí a la pregunta.

It's a good question.

Esa es una buena pregunta.

It's an embarrassing question.

Es una pregunta incómoda.

The question was answered.

La pregunta fue respondida.

Please answer my question.

Por favor, responde a mi pregunta.

Answer my question.

Contesta a mi pregunta.

It's an honest question.

Es una pregunta honesta.

Answer my question carefully.

Contesta a mi pregunta con cuidado.

I have a question.

Tengo una pregunta.

Please answer the question.

Responde a la pregunta, por favor.

Answer the question.

Responde a la pregunta.

Gerelateerd aan question

inquiry - issue - point - query - challenge - defy - affront - doubt - examine - scrutinize - contest - dispute - protest - dot - period