Vertaling van raise


to lever, to lift, to raise, to elevate, to heave, to hoist {ww.}

I raise
you raise
we raise

yo levanto
nosotros levantamos
» meer vervoegingen van levantar

Can you lift this stone?
¿Puedes levantar esta piedra?
You can't lift the piano.
No puedes levantar el piano.
to cultivate, to grow, to raise, to force {ww.}
cultivar en invernáculo
to erect, to establish, to institute, to pitch, to raise, to set, to stand, to set up {ww.}

I raise
you raise
we raise

yo levanto
nosotros levantamos
» meer vervoegingen van levantar

Nobody intends to erect a wall.
Nadie pretende levantar un muro.
And you are going to raise it in three days?
¿Y acaso lo van a erigir en tres días?
to breed, to keep, to raise, to rear, to farm {ww.}

I raise
you raise
we raise

yo crío
nosotros criamos
» meer vervoegingen van criar

Tom remembered the rabbits he used to raise.
Tom recordó a los conejos que solía criar.
Tom and Mary are always arguing about how to raise their children.
Tom y mary siempre discuten acerca de cómo criar a sus niños.
to breed, to bring up, to educate, to raise, to rear {ww.}

I raise
you raise
we raise

yo educo
nosotros educamos
» meer vervoegingen van educar

It is quite a hard thing to bring up a child.
Es una cosa bastante difícil el educar a un niño.
You must educate your tongue to distinguish good coffee from bad.
Debes educar a tu lengua a distinguir el buen café del malo.
to collect, to gather, to pick up, to assemble, to raise {ww.}

I raise
you raise
we raise

yo colecciono
nosotros coleccionamos
» meer vervoegingen van coleccionar

I love to collect stamps.
Me encanta coleccionar estampillas.
My hobby is to collect beautiful butterflies.
Mi pasatiempo es coleccionar mariposas bonitas.
to increase, to augment, to heighten, to raise, to amplify {ww.}

I raise
you raise
we raise

yo incremento
nosotros incrementamos
» meer vervoegingen van incrementar

This is capital. Let it increase!
Esto es capital. ¡Déjalo aumentar!
The world's population tends to increase.
La población mundial tiende a aumentar.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I raise cattle.

Yo crío ganado.

Tom got a raise.

Tom obtuvo un aumento.

Raise your left hand.

Levanta la mano izquierda.

Raise your right hand.

Alce su mano derecha.

Raise your hand.

Levanta la mano.

Tom asked for a raise.

Tom pidió un aumento.

Raise up your left hand.

Levanta la mano izquierda.

They oppose the plan to raise taxes.

Se oponen al plan de subir los impuestos.

He began to raise his voice.

Empezó a levantar la voz.

Mary requested a raise from her boss.

Mary pidió un aumento a su jefe.

He said Bill Clinton would raise taxes.

Dijo que Bill Clinton subiría los impuestos.

Don't raise your voice at me.

No me levantes la voz.

Please raise your hand before you speak.

Por favor levanta tu mano antes de hablar.

Raise your hand before you answer.

Levanta la mano antes de responder.

Students don't raise their hands much.

Los alumnos no levantan mucho las manos.

Gerelateerd aan raise

lever - lift - elevate - heave - hoist - cultivate - grow - force - erect - establish - institute - pitch - set - stand - set up