Vertaling van represent


to represent, to act for, to stand for {ww.}

I represent
you represent
we represent

yo represento
nosotros representamos
» meer vervoegingen van representar

to depict, to represent, to figure {ww.}

I represent
you represent
we represent

yo retrato
nosotros retratamos
» meer vervoegingen van retratar

to introduce, to present, to offer, to perform, to play, to reenact, to render, to depict, to represent, to constitute {ww.}

I represent
you represent
we represent

yo presento
nosotros presentamos
» meer vervoegingen van presentar

I have to introduce Mary to the manager.
Tengo que presentar a María al gerente.
I am going to introduce you to my family.
Te voy a presentar a mi familia.
to imply, to mean, to signify, to denote, to represent, to stand for {ww.}

I represent
you represent
we represent

yo significo
nosotros significamos
» meer vervoegingen van significar

A nuclear war would mean the fall of humankind.
Una guerra nuclear puede significar el fin de la humanidad.
"Literally" can literally mean "metaphorically". "Literal" meaning "metaphorical" is also a literal irony.
"Literalmente", literalmente, puede significar "metafóricamente". El que "literal" signifique "metafórico" es también una literal ironía.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Who represent the executive management?

¿Quiénes representan la gerencia ejecutiva?

Whose firm do you represent?

¿A qué empresa representa?

Different flowers represent different meanings.

Flores diferentes tienen significados diferentes.

Six percent home loans represent the industry average now.

Los préstamos del seis porciento representan el promedio de la industria ahora.

The red lines on the map represent a railway.

La línea roja en el mapa representa una vía férrea.

I began to draw the letter "K" like an incomplete star, because it's one of the symbols that represent Kylie Minogue.

Empecé a dibujar la letra «K» como una estrella incompleta, porque es uno de los símbolos que representan a Kylie Minogue.

Gerelateerd aan represent

act for - stand for - depict - figure - introduce - present - offer - perform - play - reenact - render - constitute - imply - mean - signify