Vertaling van retire


to retreat, to recede, to recoil, to relent, to retire, to withdraw, to back off, to back down, to back out, to backtrack {ww.}
They were forced to withdraw.
Ellos fueron forzados a retirarse.
The general gave the order to retreat.
El general dio el mando de retirarse.
to go to bed, to retire {ww.}
It's time to go to bed. Turn off the radio.
Es hora de acostarse. Apaga la radio.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


She announced her intention to retire.

Ella anunció su intención de retirarse.

I retire in four years time.

Me jubilo en cuatro años.

I think it's time for me to retire.

Creo que es hora de que me jubile.

My father will retire at the age of sixty.

Mi padre va a jubilarse a los sesenta años.

I think Tom is too young to retire.

Pienso que Tom es muy joven para jubilarse.

I think I am finally going to retire.

Creo que finalmente me voy a jubilar.

Tom wished that he had enough money to retire.

Tom deseó tener el suficiente dinero para jubilarse.

It's my dream to have a son who'll take over my business when I retire.

Es mi sueño tener un hijo que se haga carga de mi negocio cuando me retire.

Once I retire, I will dedicate my whole time to Tatoeba.

Cuando me jubile, dedicaré todo mi tiempo a Tatoeba.

I hope to retire from work when I'm 60 years old.

Espero jubilarme a los 60.

Gerelateerd aan retire

retreat - recede - recoil - relent - withdraw - back off - back down - back out - backtrack - go to bed