Vertaling van running


administration, management, governance, running {zn.}
administración [v] (la ~)
The administration makes important decisions.
La administración toma importantes decisiones.
We need someone who has some experience in administration.
Necesitamos a alguien que tenga algo de experiencia en administración.
to run {ww.}

I was running
you were running
he/she/it was running

yo corría
él/ella corría
» meer vervoegingen van correr

I can run.
I'm able to run.
Puedo correr.
to race, to run, to dash, to speed, to sprint, to stampede {ww.}

I was running
you were running
he/she/it was running

yo corría
él/ella corría
» meer vervoegingen van correr

Tony can run fast.
Tony puede correr rápido.
He can run fast.
Él puede correr rápido.
to collide, to run {ww.}

I was running
you were running
he/she/it was running

yo atropellaba
él/ella atropellaba
» meer vervoegingen van atropellar

to function, to operate, to run, to work, to perform, to act {ww.}

I was running
you were running
he/she/it was running

yo funcionaba
él/ella funcionaba
» meer vervoegingen van funcionar

That won't work!
¡No va a funcionar!
It won't work.
Eso no va a funcionar.
to flow, to run, to stream, to float {ww.}

I was running
you were running
he/she/it was running

yo fluía
él/ella fluía
» meer vervoegingen van fluir

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I'm running behind schedule.

Voy con retraso sobre lo previsto.

He is running indoors.

Él está corriendo en interior.

He hates running.

Odia correr.

Ken wasn't running.

Ken no estaba corriendo.

The tap is running.

El grifo gotea.

She likes running.

Le gusta correr.

Why are we running?

¿Por qué estamos corriendo?

They are running now.

Ahora están corriendo.

That boy is running.

Ese chico está corriendo.

I've been running.

He estado corriendo.

They're running without shoes.

Están corriendo sin zapatos.

He began running.

Él empezó a correr.

A dog was running.

Había un perro corriendo.

She is running outdoors.

Ella está corriendo afuera.

Time is running out.

El tiempo se está agotando.

Gerelateerd aan running

administration - management - governance - run - race - dash - speed - sprint - stampede - collide - function - operate - work - perform - act