Vertaling van scrap


to do away with, to get rid of, to dispense with, to delete, to rid, to scrap, to remove, to abolish {ww.}

I scrap
you scrap
we scrap

yo elimino
nosotros eliminamos
» meer vervoegingen van eliminar

The school should do away with the uniform.
La escuela debería eliminar el uniforme.
We have to do away with such a bad custom.
Debemos eliminar costumbres malas como esa.
rag, scrap, shred {zn.}
harapo [m] (el ~)
He lost his rag.
Perdió su trapo.
Tom cleaned the top of the table with a wet rag.
Tom limpió la parte superior de la mesa con un trapo húmedo.

Gerelateerd aan scrap

do away with - get rid of - dispense with - delete - rid - remove - abolish - rag - shred