Vertaling van something


anything, something {onb. vnw.}
alguna cosa
thing, item, something, stuff {zn.}
cosa [v] (la ~)
objeto [m] (el ~)
The only thing on the table that I normally wouldn't eat is that stuff on the yellow plate.
La única cosa sobre la mesa que normalmente no comería es esa cosa en el plato amarillo.
What is that thing?
¿Qué es esa cosa?

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Do something!

¡Haz algo!

Eat something.

Come algo.

Something changed.

Algo cambió.

Something wrong?

¿Algo va mal?

Write something.

Escribe algo.

Something happened.

Algo sucedió.

Say something!

¡Decid algo!

Something tells me that you're hiding something.

Algo me dice que estás ocultando algo.

There's something going on.

Algo está sucediendo.

Tom is hearing something.

Tom está oyendo algo.

I hear something.

Escucho algo.

That's something you'll regret.

Eso es algo de lo que te arrepentirás.

Tom was hiding something.

Tom estaba ocultando algo.

Am I interrupting something?

¿Estoy interrumpiendo algo?

Tom is hiding something.

Tom está ocultando algo.

Gerelateerd aan something

anything - thing - item - stuff