Vertaling van stand for


to stand {ww.}
estar de pie

I stand

to represent, to act for, to stand for {ww.}
to imply, to mean, to signify, to denote, to represent, to stand for {ww.}
A nuclear war would mean the fall of humankind.
Una guerra nuclear puede significar el fin de la humanidad.
"Literally" can literally mean "metaphorically". "Literal" meaning "metaphorical" is also a literal irony.
"Literalmente", literalmente, puede significar "metafóricamente". El que "literal" signifique "metafórico" es también una literal ironía.
to abide, to endure, to bear, to cope, to stand, to withstand {ww.}
aguantar hasta el fin
to erect, to establish, to institute, to pitch, to raise, to set, to stand, to set up {ww.}

I stand
you stand
we stand

yo levanto
nosotros levantamos
» meer vervoegingen van levantar

Nobody intends to erect a wall.
Nadie pretende levantar un muro.
And you are going to raise it in three days?
¿Y acaso lo van a erigir en tres días?
to resist, to withstand, to stand {ww.}

I stand
you stand
we stand

yo resisto
nosotros resistimos
» meer vervoegingen van resistir

I can resist everything except temptation.
Puedo resistir todo excepto tentación.
He couldn't resist the temptation.
Él no pudo resistir la tentación.
to get up, to rise, to stand, to stand up {ww.}
ponerse en pie
He tried to stand up.
Él intentó levantarse.
Tom tried to stand up, but couldn't.
Tom trató de levantarse, pero no pudo.
to abide, to bear, to carry out, to endure, to put up with, to suffer, to stand, to carry away, to afford {ww.}
aguantar hasta el fin
to endure, to put up with, to tolerate, to abide, to brook, to condone, to stand, to stomach {ww.}

I stand
you stand
we stand

yo tolero
nosotros toleramos
» meer vervoegingen van tolerar

We can't tolerate such an outrage.
No podemos tolerar tal atropello.
I can't put up with an insult like this.
Yo no puedo tolerar un insulto así.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


We stand for democracy.

Apoyamos la democracia.

What does USB stand for?

¿Qué significa USB?

What does "PTA" stand for?

¿Qué significa "PTA"?

What does this stand for?

¿Qué significa esto?

I stand for freedom of speech for everyone.

Defiendo la libertad de expresión para todos.

"What does U.F.O. stand for?" "It means Unidentified Flying Object, I guess."

"¿Qué significa O.V.N.I?" "Significa Objeto Volador No Identificado, creo"

Gerelateerd aan stand for

stand - represent - act for - imply - mean - signify - denote - abide - endure - bear - cope - withstand - erect - establish - institute