Vertaling van stick


to adhere, to stick, to sting {ww.}
to affix, to attach, to determine, to fasten, to fix, to make fast, to secure, to set, to stick, to appoint {ww.}

I stick
you stick
we stick

yo fijo
nosotros fijamos
» meer vervoegingen van fijar

to pick, to stab, to sting, to pierce, to prick, to puncture, to pique, to stick {ww.}

I stick
you stick
we stick

yo pincho
nosotros pinchamos
» meer vervoegingen van pinchar

to push along, to shove, to slide, to stuff, to stick {ww.}
hacer resbalar
meter habilmente
hacer deslizar
to adhere, to cleave, to cling, to cohere, to stick {ww.}
to adhere, to cleave, to cling, to cohere, to stick {ww.}
to adhere, to cleave, to cling, to cohere, to stick {ww.}
to glue, to stick, to paste {ww.}

I stick
you stick
we stick

yo pego
nosotros pegamos
» meer vervoegingen van pegar

to adhere, to cleave, to cling, to cohere, to stick {ww.}

I stick

baton, cane, stick, staff {zn.}
bastón [m] (el ~)
He's leaning on a cane.
Se apoya en un bastón.
The shadow of the stick is visible.
La sombra del bastón es visible.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Stick to the subject.

Concrétese al tema.

Stick out your tongue.

Saca la lengua.

Stick to the facts.

Ciñase a los hechos.

Please stick out your tongue.

Estira la lengua, por favor.

We should all stick together.

Todos deberíamos quedarnos juntos.

The dog sniffed the stick.

El perro olfateó el palo.

My grandfather cannot walk without a stick.

Mi abuelo no puede caminar sin un bastón.

Be careful where you stick the pin.

Tenga cuidado donde clava el alfiler.

Stick a stamp on the envelope.

Pegue una estampilla en el sobre.

He beat the dog with a stick.

Le pegó al perro con un palo.

The dog was sniffing a stick.

El perro estaba olfateando un palo.

The shadow of the stick is visible.

La sombra del bastón es visible.

Stir the paint with a stick.

Revolvé la pintura con un palo.

Stick another stamp on the envelope.

Pégale otra estampilla al sobre.

Just stick to the protocol, would you?

Sólo adhierete al protocolo, ¿quieres?

Gerelateerd aan stick

adhere - sting - affix - attach - determine - fasten - fix - make fast - secure - set - appoint - pick - stab - pierce - prickadhere