Vertaling van stir


to excite, to agitate, to rouse, to stir up, to tintillate, to work up, to stir, to arouse {ww.}
to curl, to froth, to stir, to whip, to whirl, to beat, to whisk {ww.}
Please beat the eggs.
Haga el favor de batir los huevos.
to move, to actuate, to shift, to stir, to adjourn {ww.}
I can't move.
No me puedo mover.
Faith can move mountains.
La fe puede mover montañas.
to move, to shift, to stir, to adjourn {ww.}
He was unable to move.
No pudo moverse.
Try not to move so much.
Procure no moverse tanto.
to move, to stir, to affect {ww.}
excitement, agitation, ado, stir {zn.}
acaloramiento [m] (el ~)
to encourage, to impel, to instigate, to spur on, to urge, to prod, to prompt, to abet, to stir {ww.}
riot, tumult, agitation, clamour, havoc, mayhem, row, turmoil, stir {zn.}
tumulto [m] (el ~)

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Stir the soup.

Mezclá la sopa.

Stir the paint with a stick.

Revolvé la pintura con un palo.

Stir the soup until it boils.

Mueva usted la sopa hasta que hierva.

Don't forget to stir the stew.

No olvides revolver el estofado.

If you don't stir the rice, it will burn.

Si nos revolvés el arroz, se va a quemar.

Add the dry ingredients and stir until the mixture becomes a dough.

Agregá los ingredientes secos y revolvé hasta que se forme una masa.

Do you have a spoon I can stir the rice with?

¿Tenés un cuchara para que revuelva el arroz?

Gerelateerd aan stir

excite - agitate - rouse - stir up - tintillate - work up - arouse - curl - froth - whip - whirl - beat - whisk - move - actuate