Vertaling van sudden


sudden, abrupt {bn.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


All of a sudden, it began raining.

De repente comenzó a llover.

Her expression underwent a sudden change.

Su expresión sufrió un cambio repentino.

There was a sudden change of plan.

Ha habido un súbito cambio de plan.

People regretted his sudden death deeply.

La gente lamentó profundamente su repentina muerte.

His sudden appearance surprised us all.

Su repentina aparición nos sorprendió a todos.

All of a sudden it started raining.

De repente comenzó a llover.

All of a sudden they stopped talking.

Se callaron de repente.

Your sudden appearance has surprised me.

Tu repentina aparición me ha sorprendido.

All of a sudden, the lights went out.

De repente se apagaron las luces.

There was a sudden drop in the temperature last night.

Anoche hubo un descenso repentino de temperatura.

The news of his sudden death astounded me.

La noticia de su súbita muerte me sorprendió.

All of a sudden, all the lights went out.

De repente, todas las luces se apagaron.

All of a sudden the sky became dark.

De repente, el cielo se oscureció.

All of a sudden, I realized I must learn Polish.

De repente me di cuenta de que debía aprender polaco.

There was a sudden change in the weather.

Hubo un cambio repentino en el tiempo.

Gerelateerd aan sudden
