Vertaling van supply


to provide, to supply, to accommodate, to serve, to administer {ww.}

I supply
you supply
we supply

yo proveo
nosotros proveemos
» meer vervoegingen van proveer

We must provide food and clothes for the poor.
Debemos proveer comida y ropa para los pobres.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the…
Nosotros, la gente de los Estados Unidos, a fin de formar una unión más perfecta, establecer la justicia, asegurar la seguridad doméstica, proveer defensa al comú…
to provide, to deliver, to supply, to procure, to get {ww.}

I supply
you supply
we supply

yo procuro
nosotros procuramos
» meer vervoegingen van procurar

to deliver, to furnish, to supply, to provide, to purvey, to yield {ww.}

I supply
you supply
we supply

yo entrego
nosotros entregamos
» meer vervoegingen van entregar

We can deliver within a week.
Lo podemos entregar dentro de una semana.
arrival, supply {zn.}
aprovisionamiento [m] (el ~)
arrival, arrivals, supply, provision, provisioning, victualling, administration {zn.}
aprovisionamiento [m] (el ~)

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Cows supply milk.

Las vacas dan leche.

Supply is relative to demand.

La oferta es proporcional a la demanda.

Printing ink is in short supply.

Apenas queda tinta para imprimir.

The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.

El cerebro necesita un suministro continuo de sangre.

Don't flush yet, we've been cut out the water supply.

No tires todavía de la cadena del váter, nos han cortado el suministro del agua.

The store can supply us with anything we need.

La tienda puede proporcionarnos cualquier cosa que necesitemos.

Cows supply us with many things we need.

Las vacas nos proveen de muchas cosas que necesitamos.

Scientists will come up with new methods of increasing the world's food supply.

Los científicos idearán nuevos métodos para incrementar el suministro de comida mundial.