Vertaling van throw


to throw, to cast, to pitch, to toss {ww.}

I throw
you throw
we throw

yo lanzo
nosotros lanzamos
» meer vervoegingen van lanzar

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Please throw the ball.

Por favor, lanza la bola.

Don't throw trash here.

No arrojes basura aquí.

Don't throw stones.

No tires piedras.

Throw the shovel!

¡Arroja la pala!

Throw the dice.

Tira el dado.

Don't throw away this magazine.

No tire esta revista.

Don't throw garbage away here.

No tires basura aquí.

Throw him in the water!

¡Tiradle al agua!

Don't throw away your chance.

No desperdicies tu oportunidad.

It's junk. Throw it away.

Es basura. Arrójala a la basura.

Don't throw in the towel.

No tires la toalla.

Don't throw a ball against the wall.

No lances la pelota contra la muralla.

Where do I throw these eggshells?

¿Dónde tiro estas cascaras de huevos?

Throw a tear-gas bomb at him.

Arrójale una bomba lacrimógena.

I told him not to throw stones.

Le dije que no tirara piedras.

Gerelateerd aan throw

cast - pitch - toss