Vertaling van to accept


to accept, to receive, to accredit, to admit, to take, to take on {ww.}

I accept
you accept
we accept

yo tomo
nosotros tomamos
» meer vervoegingen van tomar

I must admit that I snore.
Debo admitir que ronco.
I must admit that I was mistaken.
Debo admitir que me equivoqué.
to accede, to agree, to consent, to accept, to assent, to acquiesce, to admit {ww.}

I accept
you accept
we accept

yo consiento
nosotros consentimos
» meer vervoegingen van consentir

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


She refused to accept charity.

Ella se negó a aceptar caridad.

Tom agreed to accept Mary's offer.

Tom accedió a aceptar la oferta de María.

I got him to accept my help.

Le hice aceptar mi ayuda.

I just wanted you to accept me.

Sólo quería que me aceptaras.

You need to accept your role.

Necesitas aceptar tu papel.

I'm willing to accept your offer.

Estoy dispuesto a aceptar tu oferta.

He refuses to accept his old age.

Se niega a aceptar su avanzada edad.

Tom wanted Mary to accept his gift.

Tom quería que Mary aceptara su obsequio.

I am glad to accept your invitation.

Me da gusto aceptar su invitación.

I'd like you very much to accept my request.

Me gustaría mucho que aceptaras mi pedido.

She will have no choice but to accept.

A ella no le quedará más remedio que aceptar.

How come he is going to accept the proposal?

¿Por qué va a aceptar la propuesta?

He was too proud to accept any reward.

Era demasiado orgulloso como para aceptar cualquier recompensa.

Tom wasn't ready to accept Mary's love or friendship.

Tom no estaba preparado para aceptar ni la amistad ni el amor de Mary.

It's not my decision, so we have to accept it.

La decisión no es mía, así que hay que aceptarla.

Gerelateerd aan to accept

accept - receive - accredit - admit - take - take on - accede - agree - consent - assent - acquiesce