Vertaling van to enjoy


to delight in, to enjoy {ww.}

I enjoy
you enjoy
we enjoy

yo gozo
nosotros gozamos
» meer vervoegingen van gozar

Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
Toda persona tiene derecho a tomar parte libremente en la vida cultural de la comunidad, a gozar de las artes y a participar en el progreso científico y en los beneficios…
to appreciate, to like, to enjoy, to fancy, to love, to think highly of, to prize, to think well of, to have a high regard for {ww.}

I enjoy
you enjoy
we enjoy

yo aprecio
nosotros apreciamos
» meer vervoegingen van apreciar

He learned to appreciate literature.
Él aprendió a apreciar la literatura.
To appreciate her beauty, you have only to look at her.
Para apreciar su belleza, sólo tienes que mirarla.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I'm starting to enjoy it.

Comienzo a disfrutarlo.

I'm going to enjoy this.

Me voy a divertir con esto.

I don't want you to enjoy it.

No quiero que lo disfrutes.

Tom seems to enjoy being outdoors.

Se ve que a Tom le gusta estar en exteriores.

Tom used to enjoy being with Mary.

Tom solía disfrutar estar con Mary.

Tom seems to enjoy watching horror movies.

A Tom parece gustarle ver películas de miedo.

Some people seem to enjoy arguing.

A algunas personas parece que les gusta discutir.

We came here to enjoy ourselves.

Vinimos aquí para divertirnos.

Tom wants us to enjoy ourselves.

Tom quiere que nos divirtamos.

Tom is going to enjoy this.

Tom va a disfrutar esto.

Tom seems to enjoy provoking arguments.

Tom parece divertirse provocando discusiones.

She used to enjoy being with him.

Ella solía disfrutar estar con él.

You'll soon come to enjoy the food and drink here.

Usted pronto vendrá a disfrutar de la comida y la bebida aquí.

Tom thought he was going to enjoy the party.

Tom pensó que iba a disfrutar de la fiesta.

Everyone has a right to enjoy his liberty.

Todos tienen derecho a disfrutar de su libertad.