Vertaling van to examine


to examine, to explore, to investigate, to research, to prospect, to survey, to study {ww.}

I examine
you examine
we examine

yo examino
nosotros examinamos
» meer vervoegingen van examinar

He hopes to explore the uninhabited island.
Espera explorar la isla deshabitada.
He likes to explore underground caves.
A él le gusta explorar cavernas subterráneas.
to examine, to search {ww.}

I examine
you examine
we examine

yo registro
nosotros registramos
» meer vervoegingen van registrar

to examine, to question, to scrutinize {ww.}

I examine
you examine
we examine

yo examino
nosotros examinamos
» meer vervoegingen van examinar

I think we still have to examine the rest.
Creo que aún debemos examinar el resto.
Dentists take x-rays to examine your teeth.
Los dentistas toman rayos x para examinar tus dientes.
to audit, to check, to supervise, to verify, to collate, to moderate, to oversee, to review, to examine {ww.}

I examine
you examine
we examine

yo examino
nosotros examinamos
» meer vervoegingen van examinar

Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men; although he was twice married, it never occurred to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths.
Aristóteles mantuvo que las mujeres tienen menos dientes que los hombres; aunque se casó dos veces, nunca se le ocurrió verificar esta afirmación al
We dissected a frog to examine its internal organs.
Diseccionamos una rana para examinar sus órganos internos.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I have to examine you.

Tengo que examinarte.

The doctor started to examine her.

El doctor comenzó a examinarla.

So the doctor started to examine her.

Entonces el médico empezó a examinarla.

We dissected a frog to examine its internal organs.

Diseccionamos una rana para examinar sus órganos internos.

I think we still have to examine the rest.

Creo que aún debemos examinar el resto.

An endoscopy is used to examine a person's digestive tract.

Una endoscopia es usada para examinar el tracto digestivo de una persona.

The doctor used X-rays to examine my stomach.

El doctor usó rayos X para examinarme el estómago.

Dentists take x-rays to examine your teeth.

Los dentistas toman rayos x para examinar tus dientes.

How long does it take for a veterinarian to examine a horse?

¿Cuánto tiempo necesita un veterinario para examinar a un caballo?

Consider what we do to our children. We do not say to them: 'Some people think the earth is round, and others think it is flat; when you grow up, you can, if you like, examine the evidence and form your own conclusion.' Instead of this we say: 'The earth is round.' By the time our children are old enough to examine the evidence, our propaganda has closed their minds...

Considerad lo que les hacemos a nuestros hijos. No les decimos "algunas personas creen que la Tierra es redonda, y otras que es plana; cuando crezcas, puedes, si quieres, examinar las pruebas y llegar a tus propias conclusiones". En su lugar decimos "la Tierra es redonda". Para cuando nuestros hijos son lo suficientemente grandes como para examinar las pruebas, nuestra propaganda ha bloqueado su mente...

Gerelateerd aan to examine

examine - explore - investigate - research - prospect - survey - study - search - question - scrutinize - audit - check - supervise - verify - collate