Vertaling van to give


to give, to accord, to administer, to grant, to impart, to provide, to confer, to allow, to yield, to spare, to afford {ww.}

I give
you give
we give

yo doy
nosotros damos
» meer vervoegingen van dar

Can you give me some money?
¿Me puede dar dinero?
I've nothing to give.
No tengo nada para dar.
to donate, to give, to grant, to present {ww.}

I give
you give
we give

yo regalo
nosotros regalamos
» meer vervoegingen van regalar

I want to give Mom a plant.
Quiero regalar una planta a mamá.
I want to give Tom something special.
Le quiero regalar algo especial a Tom.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I've nothing to give.

No tengo nada para dar.

Tom refused to give up.

Tom se rehusó a rendirse.

Tom wants to give it a try.

Tom quiere intentarlo.

She advised him to give up drinking.

Ella le aconsejó que dejara el trago.

I don't want to give up.

No quiero darme por vencido.

Tom doesn't want to give up.

Tom no se quiere rendir.

Tell Tom to give you some scissors.

Dile a Tom que te dé unas tijeras.

Tom wanted to give Mary another chance.

Tom quiso darle otra chance a Mary.

He vowed to give up smoking.

Él juró que dejaría de fumar.

It is difficult to give up smoking.

Es difícil dejar de fumar.

I have something to give you.

Yo tengo algo que darte.

I'm going to give you two hints.

Voy a darte dos pistas.

He refused to give an interview.

Él se rehusó a dar una entrevista.

I'd like you to give me that.

¿Puedes darme eso?

Tom asked me to give you something.

Tom me pidió darte algo.

Gerelateerd aan to give

give - accord - administer - grant - impart - provide - confer - allow - yield - spare - afford - donate - present