Vertaling van to remove


to discharge, to dismiss, to fire, to sack, to oust, to remove, to expel {ww.}

I remove
you remove
we remove

yo destituyo
nosotros destituimos
» meer vervoegingen van destituir

to do away with, to get rid of, to dispense with, to delete, to rid, to scrap, to remove, to abolish {ww.}

I remove
you remove
we remove

yo elimino
nosotros eliminamos
» meer vervoegingen van eliminar

The school should do away with the uniform.
La escuela debería eliminar el uniforme.
We have to do away with such a bad custom.
Debemos eliminar costumbres malas como esa.
to abstract, to take away, to remove, to seize, to take {ww.}

I remove
you remove
we remove

yo arrebato
nosotros arrebatamos
» meer vervoegingen van arrebatar

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


The coffee stain was difficult to remove.

La mancha de café era difícil de quitar.

I am going to remove the appendix.

Voy a remover el apéndice.

Use kitchen scissors to remove the skin from the chicken.

Utiliza las tijeras de cocina para desollar el pollo.

I objected when the waiter tried to remove my plate.

Yo objeté cuando el camarero intentó quitar mi plato.

Visitors are usually asked to remove their shoes before they enter a Japanese house.

Usualmente se pide a las visitas que se saquen los zapatos antes de entrar a una casa japonesa.

I opened the windows to remove the damp from the room.

Abrí las ventanas para eliminar la humedad de la pieza.

We're going to have to remove your wisdom teeth. Right now.

Vamos a tener que quitarle las muelas del juicio. Ahora mismo.

One day someone tagged the Tales of Columbus as "lie" on Tatoeba, and Columbus came to remove them.

Un día, alguien en Tatoeba etiquetó las Historias de Colón como "mentiras", y Colón vino a quitarlas.

Gerelateerd aan to remove

discharge - dismiss - fire - sack - oust - remove - expel - do away with - get rid of - dispense with - delete - rid - scrap - abolish - abstract