Vertaling van to throw


to throw, to cast, to pitch, to toss {ww.}

I throw
you throw
we throw

yo lanzo
nosotros lanzamos
» meer vervoegingen van lanzar

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I told him not to throw stones.

Le dije que no tirara piedras.

They really know how to throw a party!

¡Realmente saben cómo dar una fiesta!

He asked me to throw the ball back.

Él me pidió que le tirara la pelota de vuelta.

You have no right to throw me out.

No tienes derecho a echarme.

It is forbidden to throw things out of the window.

Se prohíbe arrojar objetos por la ventanilla.

My wife asked me to throw this old hat away.

Mi esposa me pidió que tire este viejo sombrero.

I asked the boy to throw the ball back.

Le pedí al niño que me devolviera la pelota.

I had no choice but to throw him out.

No tuve más remedio que echarle a la calle.

In spite of our encouragement he decided to throw in the towel.

A pesar de nuestro apoyo, decidió tirar la toalla.

I think it's time for me to throw a little party.

Creo que es hora de que celebre una pequeña fiesta.

Yup, it seems like even the doctor was about to throw the towel.

Sí, parece que incluso el doctor estaba por arrojar la toalla.

When she was back, she said you were playing truant and they wanted to throw you out of the school.

Cuando ella volvió, dijo que hacías novillos y que te iban a expulsar.

Tomorrow I'm going to throw a watermelon off the roof of a five-story building just for the hell of it.

Mañana voy a arrojar una sandía desde el techo de un edificio de cinco pisos porque sí.

Gerelateerd aan to throw

throw - cast - pitch - toss