Vertaling van together with


together with, along with, alongside, including {vz.}
juntamente con
and ... as well, and also, as well as, together with {bw.}
así como
y también
and ... as well, and also, as well as, together with {bw.}
así como
y tambien

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Tom got back together with Mary.

Tom regresó junto a Mary.

He often goes to the movies together with her.

Él a menudo va al cine junto a ella.

The evidence is laid out before us. Considering that, together with the fact that he has no alibi, there's no question that he's the guilty one.

La evidencia está puesta en frente de nosotros. Considerando eso, junto con el hecho de que él no tiene coartada, no cabe duda de que él es el culpable.

Gerelateerd aan together with

along with - alongside - including - and ... as well - and also - as well as