Vertaling van understand


to realize, to understand, to appreciate, to apprehend, to catch, to comprehend, to see {ww.}

I understand
you understand
we understand

yo entiendo
nosotros entendemos
» meer vervoegingen van entender

I cannot understand it.
No lo puedo comprender.
You can understand Swedish.
Puedes entender el sueco.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I understand.

Lo entiendo.

They don't understand.

Ellos no entienden.

Nobody can understand him.

Nadie puede entenderle.

I understand the problem.

Entiendo el problema.

Tom doesn't understand Mary.

Tom no comprende a Mary.

Do you understand me?

¿Me entiendes?

You just wouldn't understand.

Sencillamente no entenderías.

You can understand Swedish.

Puedes entender el sueco.

I don't understand anything.

No me entero de nada.

Do you understand her?

¿Tú la entiendes?

I cannot understand it.

No lo puedo comprender.

Now I understand.

Ahora lo cacho.

I don't understand French.

No entiendo francés.

No, I don't understand.

No, no entiendo.

I don't understand this.

Eso no lo entiendo.

Gerelateerd aan understand

realize - appreciate - apprehend - catch - comprehend - see